Senior Information

Class of 2023 - Senior Information

Welcome seniors and parents! 

*Will be updated as we have details*

Google Processes: Graduating Seniors

Google Account and Gmail

Google Drive

Google Sites

Google Sites does not allow ownership to be transferred outside of the domain. However, you can retain a copy.

Click here
to Request Transcripts, Test Scores and immunization records

Vista Ridge High School CEEB Code: 441176

Requesting Test Scores

ACT - Available through ACT Website
SAT - Available through College Board Website
AP Scores - Available through College Board Website
TSI - Request your TSI scores from Accuplacer

Requesting Transcripts

High School - Available through Parchment
ACC - Available through ACC

Requesting Immunization Records

If you need a copy of your immunization records send an email to

Please include the following in your email:
Student's Name
Student ID Number
Last School Attended
Photo ID of person requesting (parent if student is 17 yrs or less)

Click here
for 2023 Senior Events (updated as we have details)

Upcoming Dates

September 6-30 - Senior 1:1 Meetings

Order your Cap and Gown (REQUIRED)

Order cap, gown & tassel ONLY  
Shop additional graduation items

** Links will be updated soon

Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight

We want to shine a spotlight on each and every senior as we get closer to graduation

We would like all seniors to submit a photo and some information to share on our campus social media sites.

This submission link will also be included in our VRHS Insiders and on the VRHS homepage.

**Links will be updated soon

Report Future Plan and Get on the "College Wall"
Vista Ridge High School will be celebrating the Class of 2022's College Admission Offers & Military Enlistments.

Complete this form & upload copies of your College Admission Offers & Military Enlistments (letters, emails, or screen shots of acceptances will all be accepted). After your acceptance has been verified, a pennant will be decorated for you and posted on the College Wall. As you receive multiple acceptances, please continue to add them to this assignment.
You will need to fill the form out for each acceptance. 

Senior 1:1 meetings will take place  September 6-30th so make sure you schedule a meeting with your counselor.

Senior Portrait Information
November 14th-18th: Photo Texas on campus for Senior Yearbook Pictures. Click here for more information
December 2nd: Photo Texas on campus for Make Up Senior Yearbook Pictures. Click here for more information

Senior Credits - Deadline December 20th
Senior Credits is a list of all the things you have been involved in during your four years at VRHS. Fill out your senior credits form HERE.
Your senior credits run next to your name and senior portrait. Credits include clubs/organizations, athletics and any leadership or officer positions you held. Senior credits are verified for accuracy, so please be honest. If you don't turn in your senior credits, your name only will appear with your senior portrait. And if you don't take your senior portrait, unfortunately we won't run your credits.

Senior Tribute Ad
Celebrate your senior’s accomplishment with a personalized tribute. Senior tributes are a special part of the yearbook dedicated to congratulating students with personalized messages and photos.
Ordering your senior tribute ad is easy at  Scroll down to see the Ad information.
Place your order and within 48 hours, you’ll receive an email with a link to upload your photos and message.

Deadline 1: Summer - October 31
Deadline 2: November 1- December 3 
Deadline 3: December 4 - December 31
Final Deadline **space permitting**: January 1 -  January 14
For tribute ad sizes, prices and requirements go HERE!

March 22nd: Senior Panoramic Photo to be taken on the Band Pad during Ranger Time. Purchase the photo from Goldbeck.

Report your Scholarships
DEADLINE: April 21st
Vista Ridge High School will be celebrating the Class of 2022's scholarship offers.
Complete this form for each scholarship offer you receive & upload copies of the scholarship offers (letters, emails, screen shots, etc...). Remember to report all offers separately, regardless of whether you are accepting them.
*Complete a new form for each scholarship offer*.
We will recognize up to 4 scholarship offers of your choosing at the Senior Awards Ceremony.
We can only be as accurate as the information you provide to us, so please fill out this form thoroughly for EACH submission.
*In order for a scholarship to be included in the senior award ceremony, a copy of the scholarship offer must be submitted by Thursday, April 21st for verification.

April 21st: Deadline to Report your  Scholarships, College Admission Offers and Military Enlistments

Click here
for 2023 graduation details

Leander ISD will salute the graduating Class of 2023 at the HEB Center on May 26 and 27. The schedule and school assignments are below. Specific details regarding the ceremonies will be shared closer to the event.

All graduation ceremonies will be streamed live. The links to each ceremony’s livestream is listed below.

Friday, May 26, 2023

click here
for information about 2023 Senior Walks at Elementary School

Remember to wear your cap and gown!

All LISD Elementary Senior Walks 

Click Here


Communication Tools
Class of 2023 Google Classroom Code: vobu36w (make sure you have classroom notifications turned on)