Attendance Hours Owed
Any student who does not attend 90 percent of the days a class is offered (excused or unexcused) will be required to make-up attendance hours. Students and/or parents will be notified of the hours a student owes and a plan will be developed with the administration on acceptable ways the student may make-up the hours owed. Please contact your Assistant Principal with any questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
At what point does my student owe hours?
Any student who does not attend 90% of the days a class is offered (excused or unexcused) will be required to make-up attendance hours. Hours are calculated by class, by semester. A student cannot miss a class period more than four times per semester. Once a student misses their 5th class period, they owe 1.5 hours for every additional missed class.
The following attendance codes generate hours owed:
A (Absence-Excused)
D (Absence w/Doctor Note-full day)
O (Unverified-Unexcused)
U (Unexcused)
TA (Late to Class, Absent)
What is the difference between owing hours and truancy?
Owing hours determines whether or not a student received credit for their courses. Truancy determines whether or not a student is meeting the required attendance laws.
Where can I go to check if my student owes hours?
Attendance hours are updated & posted bi-weekly. You can find them Here and they are posted on the bulletin board in the A bldg. near the doors going out to the courtyard.
How does my student Make up hours?
Hours can be made up by:
Attending tutorials
Attending AM or PM Study Halls
Attending Saturday School
Volunteer hours with a Non-Profit organization. Only 1/2 of the hours can be made up by doing community service unless you get approval from your assistant principal.
Attendance hours need to be documented on the Attendance Hours Tracking Form. (Forms can also be found in the AP office)
Completed forms can be turned in to Joanna Norling or Kendra Martin in the Assistant Principal's office
How do I request an appeal?
VRHS has an hours owed appeals committee that meets regularly. If your student owes hours for any special circumstances (ie. medical procedures/surgery, etc.), please contact your assistant principal to discuss the process and request an appeals form.
Please contact your Assistant Principal with any questions.